What is the Righteousness of the Pharisees?

Mike Patz Sep 15, 2024

There is a Pharisee inside each one of us! Pastor Mike Patz continues our School of Jesus series by challenging us with the words of Jesus found in Matthew 5:17-20. We regularly misunderstand His words of condemnation towards the pharisee. They are not necessarily the evil, wicked, and bad people we see in our minds. In the days of Jesus, the Pharisee was trained to know the law. Yet they missed the mark because their method was to just try harder to live up to the laws of God, cleaning up the outside and ignoring the filth on the inside. The deeper work that Jesus brought was to clean up the inside and then allow the transformation to move to the outside. The law can restrain the heart, but it will never transform the heart. Jesus is not creating new laws, He’s creating new people!

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