Missions & Justice


We Send Our Best

The Great Commission is not a suggestion to a few, but a command to all disciples of Jesus. 42 percent of the world’s population lives without access to the gospel. We are called to engage as the Lord leads us, and to participate to see every people group gain access to the gospel.

Our aim is to mobilize advocates to pray, speak, give and go for the sake of unreached people groups. We are committed to sending our very best so that Jesus may be glorified by every tribe, nation and tongue.

We Pursue Justice and Righteousness

God has stood with and advocated for the poor, the oppressed, the foreigner, the orphan and the broken throughout the ages, and we simply find ourselves following Him in that pursuit.

We hear the call of God to make a prophetic stand against all forms of evil in our city, nation and world. Because Jesus made our problems His problems, we make this world’s problems our problems. We seek to combat injustice at every level as a church body and as individuals.

Get Involved

Our vision is to be a sending church made up of people who sacrificially love their neighbor both near and far – a mission outpost where ordinary people fall in love with Jesus and are mobilized to do justice, and to change the world.

Join us in changing local neighborhoods, fighting for educational equity, ending human trafficking, supporting foster and adoption families, pushing back gang violence, welcoming refugees, protecting the exploited, enacting justice, and planting churches in some of the most tumultuous regions of the world.

12 Kingdom Prayers

How to pray for missionaries and people groups

David Wells describes petitionary prayer as rebellion against the status quo – against the state of the world in its sin and fallenness. We are committed not only to sending resources and people to the mission field, but also to being a house of prayer for missionaries, nations, and those still unreached by the Gospel.

Specific prayers get specific answers, and the best way to have prayers answered is to pray what God wills for us to pray. For this we look to the Bible. What follows is a scripture-led guide created by Live Dead that has helped fuel our prayers for specific people groups and missionaries.


For Laborers


For the conviction of sin


For the cross to be unveiled


For faith and against fear


For the word of god to rise


That the spirit will be poured out on all flesh


That jesus would unite the body of christ


For good soil


For peace


For bold proclamation


Against works-based salvation and legalism


For joy in persecution