We Plant Microchurches
The early church in the book of Acts was a community of disciples who met together in both the large group gathering (“in the temple”) and in the small group gathering (“from house to house”). “Church” was both organized and scheduled as well as fluid and spontaneous. It was not limited to weekends in a building. This happened every time believers came together in the name and power of Jesus. It is vital to recognize that these first believers gathered constantly and made use of any and every environment to do so. We have purposely patterned Greenhouse after this model.

We are a family of microchurches
Microchurches are where we gather intimately and equip more specifically to do the work of the ministry and “be” the Church. So we do not consider our “Church” to simply be a gathering of individuals.
These microchurches meet in homes, the workplace, in parks, at the gym, and in schools. Everywhere two or more are gathered we long to see microchurches flourishing. At Greenhouse, our goal is to plant a green, multiplying microchurch in every one of the 67 counties in Florida.