When You Fast
There has always been so much more meant for our life, a true connection between God and His people. We can have access to the promises of God. Yet things may seem out of reach to us. There is a ladder that gives us access, and this ladder is fasting! As we continue our School of Jesus series, a verse by verse look at the Sermon on the Mount, we welcome Ruth Patz to the pulpit. In Matthew 6:16-18, we see Jesus teaching a divine principle that brings rewards from our Father. When you fast… The question is not “if”, but when. We should be doing much more fasting than we are. So, what is fasting? Fasting is doing without food for a period of time for spiritual reasons. Put your attention on Jesus, putting aside the distractions of meal planning to seek Him. There are many accounts of fasting in the Bible to encourage us in this discipline. This physical obedience in action brings a supernatural victory, a spiritual release. All of this attention to fasting is here so that we can listen to what type of fast God is calling you to, then to be in obedience to His word. Put the ladder up, and connect deeper with God through fasting!