Shame is the Name of the Game

Mike Patz Feb 23, 2025

These days, social media is used to mask the truth of our lives. It’s like the fig leaves in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3. In the series, Love Lies and Redemption, Pastor Mike Patz looks at the lie that comes when shame is allowed to control our lives. Our shame is literally killing us. We’ve been covering ourselves since the fall in the garden. Shame is the name of the game. Shame says you can either be fully loved or fully known but not both. It tells us, don’t be vulnerable. Yet the best marriages, families, and businesses are vulnerable. God gave Adam the opportunity to reveal himself. There was no guilt. Nakedness is more than a lack of clothing; it’s when someone knows you, fully. Even when we do Him wrong, God still desires to connect with us! God reveals, you can only be fully loved when you’re fully known. If we’re covered by God, we feel security, peace, and shalom. When we are fully loved and when we are fully known, that is like a slice of heaven!

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