Oscar has been serving the Lord since he was 10 years old. He was an entrepreneur the last 20 years and transitioned into full-time ministry in 2008. He moved to Gainesville, Florida from Kansas City, Missouri in 2012. He has traveled and ministered all across the nation preaching and teaching on the glory of Christ and the cost of discipleship. His passion and mission are to serve and equip the body of Christ. He is committed to see Jesus Christ be formed in this generation through the expression of night and day prayer & worship, and the adoring study of the Word of God (Gal. 4:19, Col. 1:18).
He currently serves as the Greenhouse Church Associate Pastor. He is an ordained minister and has been married for over 30 years to his bride, Nancy. They have two daughters, son-in-law and are recently proud grandparents. His favorite past times are hanging out with his family, playing softball, fishing, and studying the Bible.